Play Positive Poll: Respecting Officials

2015-06-29 10:12

We are losing officials in youth sports because athletes, coaches, and worst of all fans, are not showing them good sportsmanship. Officials are people too and deserve the same respect as your teammates and opponents.

Liberty Mutual Insurance Play Positive® asks you, what step will you take to show respect and appreciation for officials during your next competition?


To learn more about how you can practice good sportsmanship when it comes to officials read the Liberty Mutual Insurance Play Positive® article “Respecting Officials”.

To get your game plan for how to show respect and practice good sportsmanship when it comes to officials, view “Respecting Officials: Your Playbook for the Game” from Liberty Mutual Insurance Play Positive®.

At Liberty Mutual Insurance, we constantly look for ways to celebrate the countless acts of sportsmanship and integrity shown by people every day. We created Play Positive®, powered by Positive Coaching Alliance, as part of this belief to help ensure that our kids experience the best that sports have to offer in environments that promote and display good sportsmanship. We believe kids can learn valuable life lessons when coaches and parents come together to support winning on and off the hill.

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